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第十一届亚太翻译论坛 (APTIF11) 论文征集通知

在国际翻译家联盟(简称“国际译联”)的支持下,第十一届亚太翻译论坛 (APTIF11) 将于2025年5月21-23日在香港浸会大学举办。

亚太翻译论坛(原名“亚洲翻译家论坛”)创立于1995年,每三年举办一届,旨在为亚太地区翻译界提供一个交流与合作的平台。第十一届亚太翻译论坛欢迎亚太及其他地区的翻译研究人员、教育工作者和从业者就“文化、连通与科技:翻译社群 创新视界”这一主题进行探讨。


· 国际翻译家联盟(FIT)

· 国际翻译家联盟亚洲中心(FIT Asia)

· 香港翻译学会(HKTS)

· 香港浸会大学(HKBU)翻译学研究中心及翻译、传译及跨文化研究系





· 人工智能在现代笔译及口译实践中的角色

· 机器翻译与人机合作

· 人工智能驱动的翻译之伦理考量

· 人工智能本地化的挑战与机遇

· 笔译与口译教育的创新

· 人工智能时代笔译与口译职业的未来

· 人工智能对笔译与口译研究和实践的影响

· 跨学科方法在笔译与口译研究中的应用

· 人工智能赋能的笔译与口译工具

· 笔译与口译中人工智能与人类专业的共融

· 人工智能在同声传译中的应用

· 人工智能辅助的远程口译

· 翻译与跨文化研究中的连通模式

· 翻译与跨文化交流中的主体与倡议

· 翻译与跨文化交流中的创新实践

· 翻译与跨文化交流的伦理与政治

· 科技对翻译与跨文化理解的影响

· 笔译、口译与历史书写

· 译者的角色、责任与合作

· 利用技术促进赋权与包容的社群驱动翻译活动

· 翻译、电影与文学

· 笔译、口译与动物

· 笔译、口译与人类世研究

· 笔译、口译与儿童

· 笔译、口译与商业

· 笔译、口译与冲突

· 笔译、口译与离散社群

· 笔译、口译与健康

· 笔译、口译与司法

· 笔译、口译与媒体

· 笔译、口译与少数社群

· 笔译、口译与多语主义

· 笔译、口译与民族主义

· 笔译、口译与宗教

· 笔译、口译与旅行



· 作者姓名

· 工作单位

· 电子邮箱

· 论文题目

· 英文摘要(250-400字)

· 报告语言(英文或中文)

· 作者简介(每位作者50-100字)

· 关键词(最多5个)





摘要将由至少两名学术委员会成员进行同行评审。评审结果将于 2024年12月20日前通知。



The 11th Asia-Pacific Translation and Interpreting Forum (APTIF11)


The 11th Asia-Pacific Translation and Interpreting Forum (APTIF11) organised under the aegis of the International Federation of Translators (FIT) will be held at the Hong Kong Baptist University from 21 to 23 May 2025.

APTIF (formerly known as the Asian Translators Forum) is a triennial event launched in 1995 to provide a platform for exchanges and cooperation within the translation and interpreting community in the Asia-Pacific region. APTIF11 welcomes researchers, practitioners and trainers in the field of translation and interpreting both within and beyond the region to share ideas, research findings and best practices on the theme “Culture, Connectivity and Technology: Translating Communities, Transforming Perspectives”.


· International Federation of Translators (FIT)

· Asian Regional Center of the International Federation of Translators (FIT Asia)

· Hong Kong Translation Society (HKTS)

· Centre for Translation and Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)


Understanding the complex dynamics between culture, connectivity, technology, translation and intercultural communication is essential in a rapidly changing world. We invite researchers, educators and practitioners to submit their original contributions that explore any combination of these domains. By shedding light on their interconnectedness and transformative implications, we aim to deepen our understanding of their intricate relationships. We seek to promote fruitful discussions, knowledge exchange and networking opportunities by creating a platform for participants to share their research findings, case studies, theoretical perspectives and practical insights.


This conference covers interpreting, intercultural communication and other forms of intertextual practice in a wide variety of contexts. We invite submissions that explore a wide range of topics, including but not limited to the following.

· The role of artificial intelligence in modern translation and interpreting practices

· Machine translation and human-AI collaboration

· Ethical considerations in AI-powered translation

· AI in localisation: challenges and opportunities

· Innovations in translation and interpreting education

· The future of translation and interpreting professions in the age of AI

· AI's impact on translation and interpreting research and practice

· Cross-disciplinary approaches to translation and interpreting studies

· AI-enhanced tools for translation and interpreting

· The intersection of AI and human expertise in translation and interpreting

· The application of AI in simultaneous interpreting

· AI-assisted remote interpreting

· Models of connectivity in translation and intercultural studies

· Agency and advocacy in translation and intercultural communication

· Innovative practices in translation and intercultural communication

· The ethics and politics of translation and intercultural communication

· Technology and its impact on translation and intercultural understanding

· Translation, interpreting and the writing of history

· The translator's roles, responsibilities and collaborative networks

· Community-driven translation initiatives using technology for empowerment and inclusivity

· Translation, film and literature

· Translation, interpreting and animals

· Translation, interpreting and the anthropocene

· Translation, interpreting and children

· Translation, interpreting and commerce

· Translation, interpreting and conflict

· Translation, interpreting and diaspora

· Translation, interpreting and health

· Translation, interpreting and justice

· Translation, interpreting and media

· Translation, interpreting and minority communities

· Translation, interpreting and multilingualism

· Translation, interpreting and nationalism

· Translation, interpreting and religion

· Translation, interpreting and travel

Conference languages: English and Chinese

Abstract submissions via EasyChair* must include the following information in English:

· Name(s) of author(s)

· Institutional affiliation(s)

· Email address(es)

· Title of the presentation

· An abstract of 250-400 words in English

· Language of presentation

· Author biographical note(s) of 50 to 100 words each

· A list of keywords (up to 5)

*If you are using EasyChair for the first time, please create an account on the platform to submit your abstract and receive updates on the status of your review. 

Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aptif11  

Deadline: 30 November 2024

Each presentation will be 20 minutes long, followed by a 10-minute discussion.

Abstract submissions will be reviewed by at least two members of the Programme Committee, and decisions notified by 20 December 2024.


https://ctn.hkbu.edu.hk/aptif11 (coming soon)

